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HomeWeb DevelopmentThe Top 4 Mistakes Web Developers Make When Building a Website

The Top 4 Mistakes Web Developers Make When Building a Website

There are thousands of web developers out there. And while they all seem to be good at what they do, the field of web development is rife with mistakes. There are five common mistakes that many developers make when building a website. These blunders can oftentimes cost their clients time, money and in many cases, a headache or two, better you should opt for web development services by Skailed to avoid the blunders.

With so many factors involved in the creation of a website, it’s hard for those outside the field to know how to go about choosing a web developer. There is no governing body that sets rules or standards for how developers should operate and create websites. Therefore, it can be difficult to know whom to trust with your business’ online presence.

Mistakes Web Developers Make When Building a Website

  1. False impressions

There are many things that you need to take into consideration when building a website. The first thing is to make sure that your website looks professional and clean. Even though it might sound like an obvious thing to do, many websites fall prey to cluttered and unprofessional designs. If your website doesn’t look good then it’s not going to attract any business for you.

It’s also important not to underestimate the importance of SEO when building a website. Even though having your website optimized for search engine might seem like an unnecessary thing, it can help you increase traffic and exposure significantly.

  1. Lack of Security

It’s no secret that the Internet is a dangerous place. There are countless threats to be aware of, including viruses, hackers and other malicious parties who want nothing more than to steal your information or crash your site. Making sure that your site is properly protected can be tricky, but there are steps you can take to ensure that your website doesn’t become an easy target for these threats.

  1. Rush development

Trying to rush development and the compromise on quality, is the most common mistake made by web developers. With so many tools available today, it is tempting for web developers to try and “speed through” the process – but this rarely ends well. As a general rule of thumb, if you are in doubt about anything, get help from someone who knows what they are doing – don’t just carry on and hope for the best!

Not planning ahead is another common mistake made by web developers. If you have never built a website before, then it is likely that you do not fully understand how long everything will take, or what will be involved. To ensure everything goes smoothly, start by making plans early on in the process and try to avoid making any assumptions about how easy something will be – this will save time and money later on down the line.

  1. Not using a Content Management System (CMS)

A CMS is the backbone of any website. It is a tool for managing content and layout of your site. A properly used CMS allows for easier modification of your site’s look as well as its functionality; it also makes updating the site much easier.

Common excuses for not using one of these important tools are: I don’t have time to learn it, I can do better, and no one else is doing it. In reality, they will save you a ton of time in the long run, and most developers make their own CMS at some point. If you have to explain what you are doing to someone else your entire project is wrong. It doesn’t matter how awesome your design is if no one likes/understands/knows how to use it.

After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.


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